Last Call at the Zero Angle Page 2
Chellaine nodded.
"Only one thing to do about it," Florn said.
"What's that?"
"The rebs have their own watering holes and their own walls," he said. "All pilots do. Make sure you put two of theirs up for every one of ours. Then you can come back here with your head held high, and raise a glass to the ones who didn't."
Dupe: a TIE bomber
Fangs out: eager for a dogfight
Furball: a hectic dogfight
Goo: a planet's atmosphere
Hop: a mission
Impstar: an Imperial Star Destroyer
In the black: operating in space
In the blue: operating in a planetary atmosphere
Sitrep: situation report
Skull: a Z-95 Headhunter fighter
Splash: shoot down
Stitched: hit by enemy fire
Suicide sled: a starfighter with weak or no shields
Zero angle: the position behind an enemy's stern
From Star Wars Insider 156 (04-2015)